Zelencov Capito A. (1790-1845)
A. Zelencov Capito. Artist's Studio PV Basin. 1833
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Academician of painting, one of the most attractive, outstanding students of the founder of Russian genre Venetsianov. Zelencov was not a disciple of our higher art school, he came to her ready-made artist.
Recognized as the "designated", he received the title of academician of the program, "a painting depicting the interior of the artist's studio with decent amenities and a few figures." Get this program for quite a template, repeatedly giving other artists Zelencov nevertheless managed to stand out and give it one of the few masterpieces of Russian painting. This picture is "In the artist's Basin" was on display in 1833, and the artist received for her title of academician of perspective painting. She is currently in the Russian Museum of Emperor Alexander III. Not to mention the fact that this picture is of great importance, as the portraits of all the actors (among them, for example, has a B. Langer, art critic 30-40s, another portrait B. Langer we do not know), it is important for us, as an illustration of a great artist studio Basin as a document in the history of Russian art. According to this picture, we can detail the minutest detail, to restore the old days, an interesting time history of our art, known by the nickname "academic"
A. Zelencov Capito. In the rooms.
In the rooms: living room with columns on the mezzanine. 1820
One of the great mysteries accompany the birth and life of an individual, is the mystery of predetermining the choice of his life. In the transference to the painting is always the question: why one artist prefers to portray in their paintings of portraits of people, the other - historical paintings, and the third - landscapes ... Capito Alekseevichu Zelentsova it was destined to become famous thanks to its interior, although he was engaged and portraits, painted genre scenes, fond of etching and lithography. Live my life in art, the artist has left us, along with other ideas about interior decoration of residential and office space of some representatives of the Russian society of the XIX century.