
Marney Ward: a ray of sun in the flower petals

This Canadian artist claims that her spiritual connection with flowers exists as much as she remembers herself. She always felt a common spirituality with them. But at the beginning of her life she was more attracted by the personality of William Blake. Therefore, at one time, she received a Ph.D., specializing in matters of his work. Already much later, being the mother of two adult daughters, and an English teacher at the University of Western Ontario, she decided to return to her youthful passion - painting.

She was conquered by the Chinese school of painting, it took about five years to study it. He will learn to express emotions and attitude with the help of a life guide, Emily Carr. Flowers, or rather the creation of their images, have become for Marney Ward the means by which she has learned to lift the mood and make up for the internal forces. Now, other people too can imbue and take advantage of this energy.

Its floral watercolors are very full, juicy and bright. There is no other paint that would be able to reproduce the transparent colors in which the rays of the sun play. Especially it captures the play of light and shadow in large transparent petals. Actually, the main hero of her paintings is sunlight. It is with his help that she gives the image an inner power. Through the prism of her canvases you can see the surrounding world in a completely new, very significant and irreplaceable valuable perspective. This can be seen by anyone who has seen the work of Marney Ward.

from Vladimir Kush paintings

