
Trust Life .... Artist Chen-Wen Cheng

Trust Life .... Artist Chen-Wen Cheng

Grace Buddha

Buddhist nirvana word means simply exhale, exhale, trust.

Confidence - it's very, very innocent phenomenon.

Faith of the head, the trust of the heart.

Just trust life because of you life, live life and once again return to its source. Osho

Vlyublennaya couple

Mayskie flowers



Chen-Wen Cheng was born in 1964 in a small village in Taiwan (Ping Dong County).
A member of the Asia-Pacific Association of Watercolor, his watercolor masterpieces are in the collections of national museums and universities. In 2014 he became a finalist for the world of watercolors and won the gold medal for the series of works "Mother of Taiwan"


Feel free to be the old,
Bouquet smile wrinkles.
The point is not in them, and a smile.
Do not consider it divine punishment.

Do not explode into tears.
The best from the world of men
Loves the memory of the heart
And keep your face between images.

Wise people know -
So grieve no reasons:
Beauty - not a vessel
A fire that flickers in the vessel.

Your bright soul,
Do not hide any of the quantities,
I love all the stronger.
Do not be sad! And mirrors sentences do not listen!

You - the most beautiful!
Eva Ahtaeva

Lyubyaschaya mother

Taiwanese mother



Sunny day

Ruki farmer

